
Membership is by invitation only, and then only to those few who complete our training course. The course itself covers:
  • Basic Christian Beliefs
  • Principles of Christian Life
  • Spiritual Warfare Theology
  • Angelology
  • Demonology
  • Cults and the Occult
  • Investigating Claims
  • Exorcism Methodology
  • and more...
The course is offered at various times and is an online course. It is not an easy course and will require serious effort and study to complete. Writing papers, reading textbooks, and taking exams are some of the activities students can expect. Admission to the course is granted only after the prospective student submits a letter of recommendation from their pastor. The Society reserves the right to reject any application for study. We do not permit "ghost hunter" groups to apply for affiliation. Any group interested in affiliation must submit letters of recommendation from pastors for each team member, each member must be active in a Christian church, and be fully committed to changing their focus and methodology to conform to Biblical standards, and thus becoming ministries rather than "paranormal" groups. Again, the Society reserves the right to reject applications for any or no reason whatsoever.

If you are interested in the  possibility of taking this course, please contact us and we will let you know when the next offering will occur.